Thursday, February 11, 2010

To Readers Out in the Inter-web

Are my entries too long? Would you prefer smaller bits and pieces to lengthy personal essays?

I tend to think of this as a place for personal essays. In the face of spasm-inducing overload like Twitter and Facebook feeds, constant updates, and increasingly brief blurbs, I like to take the time to write about what is on my mind. Anyone who has had a late night conversation with me knows that I spend a lot of time picking the right words and explaining my meaning and intention. This may not make for enjoyable reading. Some sort of feedback on this would be nice.

1 comment:

  1. I like your long entries. Particularly because I rarely have the patience to write my own. And I certainly agree that in a world of 140 characters (or whatever Twitter is), having space to fully articulate one's thoughts is important and nearly always more meaningful.
