Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Haiku & Time

Time is being especially elusive and peculiar. I am getting a better sense of who and where I was last year. My hard days come up and I wonder how I managed to survive last year. Everyone around me seems to feel safe enough to express how overwhelmed I was then. Strange, no one spoke up then--not loud enough, anyway--when I should have heard it. Every month is a little trying and I'm falling back on my folks more than I'd like. Life is a continuing experiment and I hope to learn a good deal from it.

Here is some data:

The apple softens
& becomes vibrant amidst
its rot & decay.

ghosts wafts & snag along
material paths.

Water runs like milk,
thick in the town's veins; tins &
bags aimlessly flutter.

Leaves gather in our
pockets, our valleys, blessings
for the next season.

Drops of water play
rhythmically, tonally;
raining down music.

Leaves whisper, sing their
sabbath hymnal, preparing
for Winter's repose.

Walnuts have fallen
secreted in soil & stone;
hungry, but patient.

A blanket of earth
& sawdust to warm & calm
fierce detritivores.

Shadows wake in trees,
descend & swoop, become form
in one seamless breath.

Green irridescent
fly visits, but is mute to
my ignorant ears.

A practice stirs in
autumnal sunshine, once half-
forgot, remembered.

[10.20.2011 (?)]
A soft pressure weighs
on eyelids, bones, fingertips;
forms pressed into sand.

Sunshine play on me,
with an intoxicating
syrupy sweetness.

Leaves crackle under-
foot, each a small spectacle
of fiery grace.

Honey-colored leaves
patter one another, &
play briefly in flight.

The ground rumbles with
the weight of burdened beasts
wheeling on worn tracks.


Iron turned blood-red,
share an odd kinship with these
hands: worn & wounded.

[11.1.2011, on Stuart Kauffman]
Kingdoms of hybrids
intermarriage makes strength from
strange, diverse richness.

A memory of
home echoes in genes; forgot
but now remembered.

Dionysus &
Apollo play discordant
songs in flute & lyre.

Breath traces a wing,
one of innumerable
improbable forms.

A voice in forum:
raised as chitter, growl, twitter,
chirp; a leaf rustles.

Revolution, names
—Kepler, Darwin, Haraway—
unhinge & refocus.

Multitudes abound
(animals, plants, fungi, cells)
from simplicity.

Distant snow falls; I
hear echoes of the silent,
numerous descents.

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