Thursday, August 19, 2010

Getting Satisfaction

I have a book, music, and enough light to read by; I am satisfied.

Today became long with no more hours than the norm. I can't say it makes much sense. Likely tomorrow evening, after a good deal of running about, I'll sit down at Macy's and write one or two entries about my travels. The demands of the last few days--unpacking, furnishing, cleaning, purchasing odds and ends, getting lost and finding my way, looking for work, etc.--have taken a toll. That toll has been somewhat alleviated by new acquaintances and their fine company, and baking this morning helped, but still more needs doing.

Now, though, I am off to bed. I leave you with this:

The cat here on earth
Modern totem
And intermittently decorative
-a haiku from Paloma

Thank you Muriel Barbery for writing The Elegance of the Hedgehog.


  1. Yes, The Elegance of the Hedgehog was a wonderful book which will be read many more times! There's a letter in progress to you, but on notebook paper because I haven't gotten my Nancy Drew cards yet.

  2. Thanks! I look forward to it.

    I ended up reading Bike Snob on the road and had less time to read than I thought I would. I am well into Elegance, but have not finished it. Philosophy books and comics have distracted me somewhat. I love it thoroughly and with annotations.
