Monday, August 1, 2011

Kiva & Haiku

I just got this email from Kiva. Kiva connects folks with a little bit of money to folks who are asking for a little bit of money in the form of a loan. It seems that Kiva is looking for more lenders (which is awesome) and you can "get" $25 to lend care of, well, Kiva. I've written of Kiva and financial independence, political capabilities, and so on here if you want a little more info. Or, just check out their site. If you want to lend, follow this link for "free" lending money.

Welcome to the month of August! This is the month I am determined to get through a draft of Vincenzi! Give me some encouragement and check in to make sure I'm on top of it! At this rate, I think I need to write a chapter every three days or so, which means about three pages a day. No more late nights unless I get it carried away. Also, I am nearly done with the Business Plan (Appendix I) for my thesis. Though it may sound funny to be writing an appendix now, I want to use it to apply for grants. It also acts as a summary of the paper, or at least what I am building toward with my paper while taking advantage of the research I have done this summer. Unfortunately, I think I am going to have to tediously sort through research notes in order to fill a literature review and bibliography appropriately. If you were unaware, I am somewhat loathesome of literature reviews.

As a close, a few haiku (from 28 July):

Cut down the timbers,
notch & assemble, but what
is lost & what gained?


Soak overnight, sit
in puddles of light, observe
the slivers of green.


Spirits in pure, white
cream perform their alchemy
with flame & my spoon.

1 comment:

  1. Dear you,

    Please write more of the delightful (not quite the right word, but it's the first one I thought of, so I'm going with it) Vincenzi story.

